Sure chiropractors are well known for effectively treating patients with neck and back pain, headaches, joint pain, but what about other condions like allergies, asthma, menstrual pain, etc. Chiropractors do not treat patients for any condition, but they care for people who have those condions. The primary goal of chiropractic is to permit the patient’s body to function better therefore decreasing their symptoms naturally. It all has to do with subluxation.
Chiropractors have the ability to do something no other primary health care provider does. They locate distortions in the body that can affect your health. These distortions are commonly caused by misplaces spinal vertebrae (spinal bones) and are called subluxations. Subluxations happen from many types of injuries and traumas, poor posture, stress, etc. Subluxations are commonly referred to as a pinch nerve. To make it simple, subluxation is caused when a spinal vertebrae comes out of place putting pressure on a nerve. Most people think that a subluxation (pinched nerve) causes pain, however, most subluxations do not. Subluxations are dangerous because they impinge and interfere with your nerves that connect your brain and spinal cord to your muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, discs, glands, and other internal organs. This can effect how your body functions. If your body has subluxations and is not able to function optimally, you are more likely to become ill or have symptoms. For example, you may have a vertebrae out of position causing nerve pressure that affects nerves going to your stomach. Your digestion may be impaired, your stomach may be “nervous,” you may have ulcers or other conditions, but feel no back or spinal pain even though there nerve pressure from a displaced spinal vertebrae.
All of your internal organs are connected to your brain by the many nerves that emit from your brain and spine. Any irritation to these nerves can cause symptoms with your heart, lungs, bladder, eyes, ears, throat etc. If these nerves are subluxated, it can cause symtoms with any organ or can effect your entire health. For people suffering from symptoms, that are not being diagnosed through standard medical testing, a chiropractic examination may reveal the cause of your problem.
How does a chiropractor find subluxations? In our office, when a new patient comes in for care, we will do a thorough consultation, examination, digital x-rays (when necessary) and other special testing to determine if a patient has one or more subluxations. Once we have the diagnostics completed, a treatment plan can be devised to correct the patien’t subluxation. We use a wide variety of treatment options to assist our patient’s in their care. Chiropractic adjustments, which aid in correcting subluxation, can be done by hand or with instruments. Corrective stretches and or exercises (physiotherapy) may also be part of your treatment plan. These are used to assist in condtions that show muscle spasm and or weak musculature. Massage therapy may also be part of your treatment plan to assist with trigger point therapy and stretches to help reduce scar tissue.
At what age should a person be checked for subluxation? Subluxations do not discriminate by age. People young and old can suffer from the damaging effects of subluxation. Over a hundred years of clincal chiropractic observation have shown the benefits of subluxation correction for condions such as ear infections, asthma, allergies, heart disease, ADD/ADHD, headaches, vision, hearing, chronic fatigue, and the list continues. Speak to your chiropractor about the value of chiropractic care for you, your family and your friends.